dementia care

We offer personalised dementia Melbourne care services that are flexible as well as compassionate. Our healthcare professionals are highly trained and qualified to care for dementia patients. With their expertise, we’ve devised special care programs to help with home chores, medical treatments, appointments, companionship and more.

So, if you’re looking for a dementia support Melbourne specialist, then contact us now!

dementia care

What Is Dementia and Its Special Care Requirements?

According to research, there were more than 5 million people with dementia in 2014. On top of that, the number is speculated to increase to 60 million in 2060. While everyone has heard about dementia, not everyone knows how it works and how scary it can be. Not just for the patient but also their caregivers. Do you want to learn what is dementia exactly? Let’s learn about it!

Dementia is always misunderstood as a disease, but it’s an umbrella term that describes impaired ability to remember, think or make decisions. Many people think it’s a part of ageing, as it occurs in old age, but it’s not limited to a specific age group. In fact, many elderly people can enjoy their life without having to face dementia at all. But dementia types, such as Alzheimer’s or vascular dementia, are prevalent in people of 60 years age or above.

The signs can be hard to detect at first. However, with time, if the patient doesn’t receive proper treatment, they may need help with feeding, wearing clothes, going out and more. Additionally, they may forget their keys, names or even people they love. As much as it is painful to see your loved one in such a state, caring for them could prove to be mentally exhausting.

Here are the special requirements of caring for someone with dementia:

  • Constant supervision
  • Assistance with grooming and daily activities
  • Clear, simple, non-verbal communication
  • Food intake and diet management
  • Emotional support and compassion
  • Engagement in activities and games
  • Support with medical check-ups
  • Health and behaviour tracking

These are just some of the many criteria of home caring for a dementia patient, as supporting them goes a long way. But you don’t have to worry about it as you have found us! We will treat your loved ones with dementia with compassionate care and medical facilities.

Support Independent Living

The 7 Stages of Dementia

People commonly assume Alzheimer’s and dementia are one and the same. However, Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia, known to occur in every six in ten patients with dementia. The other types include vascular, Lewy body, frontotemporal, and mixed dementia. If you’ve got a loved one living with dementia, you are aware of the intricacies of this illness. But for people who are discovering this impairment just now, here is more information on that:


Stage 1:

At stage one, you may not realise that you or your loved one is going through some behavioural changes. You will observe some memory lapses and personality changes. But those are easy to brush off as one-off things or coincidences.


Stage 2:

At this stage, the patient may start forgetting things, such as not finding the words to describe something or substitutes for words. There could be difficulty in general communication too. This could also seem normal and doesn’t affect the quality of life of the patient.


Stage 3:

In this stage, the behavioural changes start becoming apparent enough for the patient’s friends and family members to notice them. The patient may feel anxious and could have trouble managing appointments, work situations and financial aspects.


Stage 4:

The patient may not be able to manage things on their own in this stage. They may have difficulties while performing basic activities, such as eating, counting or travelling. This stage may also increase difficulty with problem-solving and decreased knowledge of recent events.


Stage 5:

This is a mid-stage dementia where patients have difficulties with bathing, dressing and other daily chores. That is when they must seek out dementia-specific nursing homes and dedicated care facilities.


Stage 6:

At this stage, dementia patients will be disoriented and generally need help in everything they do. They may show strong personality changes and may not recognise people around them.


Stage 7:

This is the last stage of dementia and proves to be very tough to handle. The patient may forget the ability to eat, swallow or even speak. They may also lose muscle, bladder and bowel control. At this stage, living without a dementia nursing home is next to impossible.

Our dementia specific nursing homes in Melbourne understand these stages and offer tailored solutions for different individuals. This personalised service is designed on factors like the stage they are in, their conditions, medical care requirements, etc. So, the earlier you sign up your loved one for dementia care the better. Contact us today and let us help you get the best care for your elderly.

Home Care Services

When Should Someone with Dementia Opt for Care Facilities in Melbourne?

The best time to connect with dementia support services is, of course, the early stages. However, as pointed out earlier, it is difficult to diagnose the issue at first. You could consider a dementia ward nursing home or aged care facility in the 6th or 7th stage. But is it worth choosing a dementia care Melbourne home for your loved one? Well, here are the signs that you should consider a memory care facility for your loved one:

Consider your individual needs

Increased Safety Concerns

If your loved one with dementia frequently forgets their way back home or gets injured due to impaired judgement and coordination, you should consider aged care homes.

Read online reviews and testimonials

Declining Physical Health

Dementia patients may experience weight loss and could need help with toileting, bathing and other daily activities. At such times, enrolling in aged care dementia facilities or getting home-caring services is essential.

Research and compare providers

Increased Care Needs

Navigating work and life while caring for your loved ones with dementia could be exhausting. In fact, you may not have enough time, resources and energy to look after them. So, getting professional help for their increasing care needs is the best decision you will take for everyone involved.

Pricing Policies

Behavioural Changes

Dementia patients may show apathy, aggression and other behavioural patterns that are hard to deal with. At such times, you should look for care homes or similar facilities for aggressive dementia patients.

Do these situations sound similar to you? If your answer is yes, then Ambition Homecare is here for you. We understand what you are going through and will be there with you throughout this journey. Call us now to learn more about our dementia care services in Melbourne.

5 Crucial Tips to Choose a Trusted DSA Australia Melbourne Home

Flexibility and Convenience

Research Well

Go beyond just searching for ‘dementia care facilities near me’. Instead, dwell deeper and find the best facility that provides dementia care in Melbourne. You can also check reviews, and client testimonials or talk to the experts directly.

Experience and Expertise

Cross Check Credentials

Never hesitate to ask for licenses, certifications, training proofs and more. This way, you can ensure that you are hiring qualified professionals with years of experience in caring for people with dementia.

Compassionate Approach

Understand Their Procedure

You must ask whatever questions you have to know everything about their dementia care Melbourne services. This includes their procedures, timing, work protocols, behaviour with other patients and other things that matter to you.

Personalised Care

Research their Funding and Payment Options

Top care services like Ambition Health Group are tied up with government funding. It means you can pay for the services using government funding or choose a direct payment method. That is why we recommend finding out the terms of funding options for your desired Dementia home care services in Melbourne.

Collaborative Approach

Trust your instincts

If you feel good talking to the caregivers, they are definitely an ideal fit to take care of your loved one. Our advice is that you must never discard your instincts while choosing care and support services for dementia patients living at Melbourne home.


Benefits of Our Dementia Care Services in Melbourne!

Ambition Health Group offers tailored care solutions depending on your needs. We are here for everything, whether you want a full-time nurse at home or respite care services in Melbourne. Here is the full range of our services –

  • Full-time professional nurses
  • Aged care home facilities
  • Assistance with household chores
  • Doctor appointments and medicine management
  • Companionship support
  • Meal-prep, shopping, grooming and so on

With us, you don’t have to worry about anything! Your professional dementia support Melbourne is just one call away!


Why Are We One of the Best Dementia Care Homes in Melbourne?

Customised Care Plans

We understand that the experience of each dementia patient is different and thus, needs care and support accordingly. Therefore, we understand the patient’s medical history, behavioural patterns and other aspects to personalise their care plan.


Our service is as flexible as it gets! You can choose the service you need and schedule it at your convenience. Moreover, our timings, care plans, and workflow – everything can be adjusted according to you and your preferences.


With time, dementia patients get hard on themselves and feel confused all the time. At such stages, they need a companion who’ll support them wholeheartedly. As a result, we offer more than just dementia care Melbourne services. Our team becomes the patients’ companion in the truest sense of the word.

Compassion and Dignity

At Ambition Homecare, we treat each patient as a family member. We learn their likes and dislikes, preferences, and lifestyle choices to ensure our service is as comfortable as possible. Our compassionate care allows us to protect the patient’s dignity and respect throughout this journey.

Highly Qualified Experts

Our local dementia care Melbourne professionals are highly trained to care for the patients. They are compassionate and respectful towards your family members. In fact, we strive hard to make our patients feel at home with the right people around.

Available Resources for Dementia Caregivers in Melbourne

Caring for a dementia patient at home is tough. If you are doing it all yourself, you are already a hero. But even a hero needs to rest and get the proper support. Here is how you can do it:

  • You need a break as everyone does and you deserve a few hours away from worries and constant responsibilities. We at Ambition Health Group provide instant respite care 24/7. So, you can hire our respite care Melbourne facilities for a few hours, nights or weeks to get refreshed.
  • Find a network or support services for carers of dementia patients Melbourne where you can talk to others about your feelings. Here, you can also get more information and assistance with caring for a loved one with dementia. These support groups can become your close companions who understand what you are going through.
  • Apply for government-funded aged care facilities for dementia patients or look for nursing homes Melbourne for dementia patients. This will help you take better care of your family members as well as yourself. Plus, you will have time for other activities, work and household chores.
  • It’s necessary and completely alright to take help from others. So, stay connected with your friends, family members and relatives, who may help unburden you physically, mentally and emotionally.

Delivering Support and Compassion for Dementia Patients in Melbourne!

Are you worried about your loved one with dementia? Take a relieved breath because Ambition Health Group is here for you – through thick and thin. You can contact us anytime to enquire and discuss our dementia specific aged care facilities Melbourne. We listen to all your concerns and provide suitable in-home dementia care and dementia support services. So, call us today to talk to our professionals and clear all your doubts!


Frequently Asked Questions

The four R’s of dementia care Melbourne is reassure, routine reminisce, and redirect, whose functions are:

  • Reassurance: To dissipate the feelings of confusion, fear, and anxiety because of memory loss.
  • Routine: To provide predictability and security through structured day-to-day life.
  • Reminisce: To help connect with the memories to exercise their cognitive functioning.
  • Redirect: To calm them down before the agitation and aggression takes control.

This four-fold plan is sure to help you with dementia home care for your loved ones with this cognitive impairment.

A dementia patient can live alone till the early stages, i.e. for one to two years. After that, they definitely need care and support in their day-to-day activities, grooming, and travel. Even then, they must have a family member as their caregiver or they should sign up for a memory care facility Melbourne.

No, dementia is not hereditary. However, some types of dementia show a strong genetic link, putting the patient’s family at risk of this impairment. If you have a direct family member suffering from dementia, you could get yourself evaluated early on.

Dementia progresses differently for each individual. However, on average, the early stages last for 2 years, while the middle one can be present for 2 to 4 years. Lastly, the late stage could last 1 to 2 years. As you can see, it could take 5 to 8 years to identify dementia in your loved ones.

At Ambition Health Group, the happiness and welfare of our patients is of utmost priority. Thankfully, we have a dedicated team to constantly fulfil this goal of ours. All our dementia patients have claimed to be happier living at our nursing home for dementia Melbourne!